Thank you so much for letting us take a look into your experiences on the Camino. I have just finished your book and handed it to my husband. And my recommendation is: read your book at least twice. I do so appreciate the fact that you are so open in sharing your thoughts, experiences and feelings you had and those of your fellow pilgrims.
You are a great writer and story teller.-- SM, The Netherlands
I have just finished reading your book - I cried, laughed, wondered and agonized with you over the whole 800 kms. It was not only a gift to Terrie, it was also a gift to me. The whole time I was reading it I felt like I was sitting in your little upstairs sitting room at La Linde and you were telling me your stories over a glass of rioja. I could hear your voice, and your laugh, and your exasperation and your joy. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.-- LS, Canada
I really enjoyed the book presentation, and I am also very enthusiastic about it as I read on and on. I understand so much of your thoughts, your solitude, as I live them myself. My "Camino" is certainly not as physically tough as yours, but I feel there is a similarity. -- MS, Film producer
Ek skryf in Afrikaans, want ek lei af dit is jou moedertaal. Sien jy was de Villiers. Ek is 'n Stellenbosch-er (so effe jonger as jy) en ons bly hier in ons eie stukkie paradys onder die skadu van die Pieke.
Verlede week sommer so onbeplan in 'n klein boekwinkel, weggesteek in Dorpstraat ingeglip en vra vir die vrou of sy iets het oor die Camino. "Hier het sopas 'n pragtige boek verskyn" sê sy. Ek is vrolik met jou boek onder my arm weg. Watter absolute vreugde was jou boek om te lees. Ek het vanmiddag, na die gaste hier weg is, gou die laaste hoofstukke gelees. Veels geluk met pragtige skryfwerk. Jou boek lees so lekker, maklik en die inhoud wissel en bly boeiend interessant. Dit was 'n vreugde om saam met jou en die ander pelgrims te kon stap. Ek het so op 'n manier swaar van jou boek (en die karakters) afskeid geneem en het net die behoefte om vir jou te sê "well done!" Ek het van jou fotos op die internet verder gekyk en dit is PRAGTIG. Jammer dit kon nie meer tot reg in die boek gekom het nie, maar die swart en wit hou ook sy eie mistiek in.
Ek gaan dit volgende jaar in Junie Julie stap. Dit was so lekker om 'n resente boek te kry en ek dink dat dit 'n groot voordeel is om dit in die winter te stap- naas die koue!! Ek weet ons gaan oorval word met getalle volgende jaar in die heilige jaar, maar sal dit as 'n pelgrimstog van 'n ander toonaard hanteer.
Nogmaals dank vir 'n pragtige boek. -- DH, SA
I finished reading your book on the weekend. I enjoyed it very much and found it very inspirational. My only gripe: the fact that you didn’t tell us how you finally managed to get back on your seriously messed up feet after the treatment by the osteopath; how long it took; and what the ‘gunpowder’ was! -- LH, SA
I have just this very minute finished reading your book from cover to cover. I have enjoyed it immensely could not put it down! Let me tell you, I am not a reader, can’t remember when last I actually completely read a book. I am sooooooooooo in awe of what you accomplished!
I am useless with words, but in my own way I want to tell you I have learnt and realised so much through your experiences, lots of food for thought. How you did it, under all those harrowing circumstances, I do not know. I didn’t know you could actually walk it the ‘rich & lazy’ way I thought you COULD only do it the Pilgrim’s way, so you have enlightened me about that too.
I’m, as I said not great with words, but I think I’ve got to know you, learnt more about you, just through reading your book.
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