Thursday, May 13, 2010

Buen Camino, Christine!

Some months back I was privileged to be asked to talk to an interest group here in the Dordogne about my Camino experience. One person in the audience, Christine, felt inspired enough to let me know, very son after, that she was going to walk the Camino as well.

And today, with such pleasure, I spent a couple of hours with her, thoroughly enjoying the thrill of chatting with someone who is about to embark on a life-changing experience.

Christine is setting off on the 22 May -- her birthday -- and I know that this will truly be a day of birth for Christine!

Buen Camino, Christine! Hamba Kahle -- walk in peace, walk in joy, walk with the universe!

As I walk, as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty

Christine is an inveterate Girl Guide and taking her compass with her --- but my message to her is:

And I hope the summer crowds have not yet all descended on The Way!

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